"I was diagnosed with aortic stenosis and bicuspid aortic valve 12 years ago. My primary and cardiologist monitored this yearly and watched as the stenosis became severe. I was referred to a local Long Island surgeon for a consult. I was told I needed open heart surgery as I was too young for TAVR.
I asked for a second opinion and this local surgeon sent me to Dr. El-Hamamsy. I was actually already scheduled for surgery on Long Island and got in to see Dr. El-Hamamsy 8 days before that scheduled procedure. I met with Roberto, who was wonderful, and Dr. Chen, who informed me that I'm a candidate for the Ross procedure. Then Dr. El-Hamamsy came and cinched the deal. He was wonderful. He agreed with my original surgeon that this must be done urgently. I took the next available appointment, which was 6 weeks away.
Everyone at Mount Sinai was amazing. From the pre-op staff to the OR staff, my amazing anesthesiologist, to ICU and step down on 7 West. And Leemor, in his office, must be given a medal of honor. She held my hand as we navigated insurance and pre-op issues.
On the morning of surgery he visited me in the pre-op area and I asked what plan B would be if he couldn't do a Ross Procedure. We agreed on a tissue/bovine valve. Within minutes I was getting an IV and getting on the table. Next I know I'm waking up in ICU several hours later. Other than still be intubated, I was fine. I was told that he couldn't do the Ross procedure because my pulmonary valve was quadicuspid so an Edwards valve was placed.
I spent one night in the ICU and was up walking the unit the next morning. I was moved to step down that afternoon and went home after 4 nights. Dr. El-Hamamsy visited me several times, and his team visited me twice a day. Dr. Chauvet and Dr. Chen seemed to come daily to see me and took the time to answer so many questions about my surgery and recovery.
Again, everyone I met with at Mt. Sinai was wonderful! The care of I received was amazing. I'm truly grateful for Dr. El-Hamamsy and his unbelievable team. Everyone is truly a gift from God."
-- Rita Kimmel, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, 12/09/2024
"Dr. El-Hamamsy and team saved my life. I met with Dr. El-Hamamsy on a Wednesday and was direct admitted to the hospital that day.
From my first interaction with him, I could tell he was different. He actually cared. He cared about me, my life, my family, and wanted me to succeed. On Friday, I was rushed to the ICU due to endocarditis, which as a 34 year-old, was extremely terrifying. His entire team was by my side everyday, and even wheeled me down to the ICU - what doctor does that?!
On Monday, I underwent the Ross Procedure, and Dr. El-Hamamsy and team got rid of my infection, cleared up my aortic aneurism, and on the following Friday I had a pacemaker put in. After 13 days in the hospital, I was discharged, and as strange as this sounds, I actually miss the team. They showed me such love and empathy, which as a lifelong heart patient, I had never experienced before. It's clear Dr. El-Hamamsy is the "best of the best" when it comes to surgery, but his entire team is also the best of the best when it comes to being a human being. In the time since I still have regular check-ins and text with Roberto Galao-Malo who monitors me.
Dr. El-Hamamsy saw me at my lowest of lows, but also recognized that I still have potential and just wanted me to achieve my dreams. When I asked him how I could ever thank him, he said, "live life to the fullest". It does not get better than that."
-- Zachary Gotlib, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 11/16/2024
"I was born with a unicuspid aortic valve. We have known about the condition since birth and I have been followed regularly by my cardiologists in Oklahoma and Virginia my whole life. I learned in May that I would need to replace the valve and began researching the types of procedures available to me and the surgeon best suited to fix my life long defect. I met with several surgeons.
I knew immediately upon meeting him, that Dr. El-Hamamsy would be my surgeon and I would undergo the Ross procedure . We met on zoom for my consultation and I felt at ease almost instantly. I was quite nervous. He listened. He smiled. He took the time to answer all of my questions. He was incredibly knowledgeable about my medical history and shared his thoughts on timelines, procedures, and recovery. I felt instantaneously as I had not only met my doctor, but a new friend. His wonderful office manager, Leemor Selitto, kept in contact with me over the next few months with not only helpful information but a kindness and support I truly needed. She is another new friend I will cherish.
When I arrived in New York, I was greeted with hugs and that same kindness was shared throughout the days leading up to and after the procedure. My procedure was a success. The doctors that cared for me are top notch-the best of the best. I will forever be grateful to Dr. El Hamamsy, Dr. Lilyanne Chen (who is not only brilliant-but kind) and Roberto Galao-Malo (who continues to monitor me and is an unbelievable support post surgery. He is patient... brilliant -I can only imagine how many patients he takes care of post surgery and I feel like I am the only one). I highly recommend this medical team.
Whether you live close to NYC or far away-it was worth the travel to be cared for by this unbelievable group. I will forever be grateful for their care. "
-- Carrie Leonard, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 10/15/2024
"Dr El-Hamamsy performed an aortic replacement on me due to an aortic aneurysm. I had open heart surgery on October 1, 2024. He is an extremely skilled and knowledgeable surgeon and I always felt that he was the best choice for me. I trusted him immediately.
My surgery went seamlessly and I was discharged from the hospital on day 5. I experienced a bout of AFib after my discharge, but they were able to get it under control quickly. There have been some bumps during recovery, but luckily I did not experience anything serious or that couldn’t be managed.
I am so thankful to have met Dr El-Hamamsy, Dr. Lilyanne Chen and Roberto Galao-Malo. Dr. Chen is a member of the surgical team who is fantastic and took so much time and care to answer all my questions regarding my surgery. Roberto is wonderful! He patiently and promptly answered so many of my questions post surgery.
This has been a very challenging time in my life and they have all been superb. I would highly recommend their office to anyone needing cardiac surgery. I am incredibly awed by what they do on a daily basis and the lives they save every day. I can’t thank them enough."
-- Jacquelyn Erndl, Aortic Valve, Median Sternotomy, Root Replacement, 10/01/2024
"I was operated on fairly recently on August 21st. I came to Dr. El-Hamamsy with a very complicated medical history. I was the first person to have the Ross procedure done in the United States at the age of 10. I am now 46. In the interim years, I had leukemia twice, was placed on a ventilator for 2 months (as a result of the chemo) and as the years passed the leakage of the valves got progressively worse. Plus, I had scarring on my lungs from the ventilator. I also had endocarditis 3 times. I had already gone to many of the “top” doctors that specialize in heart valve surgery.
I was introduced to Dr. El-Hamamsy shortly after he joined Mt. Sinai. My excellent cardiologist (Dr. Marty Goldman) felt it was time to reoperate. From our first meeting I knew that my search for a surgeon was over.
Dr. El-Hamamsy was obviously highly skilled as a surgeon. More than that, he had endless patience and time for my questions and concerns. I met with him several times over four years before I actually scheduled my surgery. I have severe PTSD from my long medical history and numerous hospitalizations. I had already been placed on a ventilator three different times (during the original surgery, two months by the leukemia, and after my last baby born via c-section). He understood intuitively that I had enormous fears around a reoperation and another hospitalization and he worked around that.
Dr. El-Hamamsy understood the mind/ body connection and was not in the least bit fazed by the amount of visits I needed, endless questions and how many times I almost scheduled surgery but was unable to. His level of patience for his patients is unparalleled by any other doctor I have ever met. He exudes complete confidence in his skill set and simultaneously comes across as humble and open minded. I always marvel that for a doctor that busy, I was never made to feel rushed and he gave me endless amounts of time and attention. He figuratively held my hand to get me through this surgery. He also has the most incredible bedside manner.
I had many requests and to my shock (after many prior negative experiences with other doctors) he honored every single one. I had a huge fear of waking up on a ventilator. He made sure that I was not awake and have no memory of it. I didn’t want to be wheeled into an operating room - they gave me something and I was asleep before I was wheeled in. They allowed my spouse to stay with me 24/7. I have a fear of being alone in a hospital and they honored that request as well. Dr. El-Hamamsy did whatever he could to make this reoperation as easy as possible and lessen the effects of the previous medical traumas I had experienced.
The actual surgery: he was operating on a Ross procedure that was done 36 years ago. By the time he opened me up, there was severe leakage on my aortic and pulmonic valves. They told me afterwards I was already in heart failure. He replaced my aortic valve, pulmonic valve and repaired the tricuspid valve( which was also leaking). They found an aneurysm on the heart and removed that as well. I knew going in that this would be a long complicated surgery and when it was done Dr. El-Hamamsy declared it a 10 out of 10.
I spent 11 days in the hospital due to the severity of my condition and some breathing issues. The surgery finished after 8 pm and I was off the ventilator the next afternoon by 1 pm. The care of the entire team from the other doctors through the nurses, and every attending staff was excellent. Perfection. I had no infections and I was already out of bed by the next day. Dr. El-Hamamsy came by multiple times and when he was not there I was visited by his team a minimum of three times a day. Every single nurse was exceptional.
I cannot recommend Dr. El-Hamamsy, his team, my cardiologist Dr. Goldman and Mt. Sinai highly enough. After many years and numerous hospital stays this was the first time I left the hospital and had no trauma. It was smooth sailing from beginning to end. I wish Dr. El-Hamamsy could take his model of care and teach other hospitals and centers how to implement it.
I have tremendous gratitude to Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team. How can you ever thank someone properly for saving your life? 8 weeks post surgery I’m recovering and I already feel like I have a new lease on life. I can walk up stairs without getting out of breath, numerous people have commented that my skin color looks healthier and while I’m definitely still in the recovery stage, overall I feel good. Even now post surgery I feel better then I did before.
Thank you to Dr. El-Hamamsy, my long suffering cardiologist Dr. Marty Goldman, and the entire team. This includes Dr. Bert Williams, Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Chen and the tall French Canadian doctor who came daily.
A special shout out to the office manager Leemor Selitto. She also gave me endless time, patience and hand holding. Always friendly and always open to my questions and requests. She even offered to accompany me to a CT when she saw how nervous I was. One more shout out to Roberto. I texted him daily about my wound and aside from the great care, he had a great sense of humor and never made me feel like I was bothering him. He was always available and always on target.
Just as Dr. El-Hamamsy declared my surgery a 10 out of 10, my entire experience including the actual surgeon and my stay in Mt. Sinai was a 10 out of 10. There are not enough words to convey my level of gratitude to everyone who made this happen and gave me a new lease on life. Thank you!!"
-- Yocheved Werther, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Tricuspid Valve, Valve Repair, Valve Replacement, Reoperation, Median Sternotomy, 08/21/2024
"There are times in life when someone helps you in a way that it is impossible to thank them reciprocally for. A mother gives you life; a mentor teaches you everything they know; a composer gives the world an opus; Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy has given me the hope of a future.
I will not dwell too much on the reputation that precedes Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy other than I was looking for a surgeon at a center of excellence who does an incredibly large quantity of Ross Procedures with best in class success rates over a long period and he checked all these boxes. The rest of my recommendation I will spend to add-on to his praises based solely on my personal experience as his patient.
Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy listened to me in a way that made me feel understood. He seemed to be methodical where it was important and simultaneously flexible and compassionate where needed. The way he explained things felt realistic with an underlying current of confidence and optimism.
During my stay in the hospital he visited me before the surgery to ask if I had any final questions, after surgery he visited multiple times to check on my numbers, charts, ask me how I was doing, to adjust my medications, and update my care plan as needed. Following the surgery, when I came back to visit the hospital for a different follow-up appointment I stopped by his office to thank them and he took the time to pop out to say hi and ask how I was doing. In every interaction he was bright, curious, and had an incredible memory remembering my medical case as well as details I had shared with him about my personal story.
I’m 10 weeks out from the surgery now and I’m feeling excellent. I’ve had no infections, my incision is healed, and I’m leading a cautiously active lifestyle. If I were to ever need open heart surgery again I would not hesitate to call Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy’s office again.
Special thanks to the hard work and kindness of Dr. Chen, Dr. Williams, Dr. Naib, Dr. Miller, and every other doctor, nurse, and care worker who assisted with my surgery and helped to oversee my recovery the following week. Also, last but not least; HUGE shoutout to Leemor Selitto and Roberto Galao on the team who have been true friends guiding me emotionally and physically long before and after surgery to get well through their compassion and professional communication."
-- Will Hutchinson, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 08/05/2024
"At 37 years old, it was time to address a congenital heart defect and replace my bicuspid aortic valve. I met with six cardiac surgeons to review my case, aortic valve replacement options, and anticipated outcome. Given my age, active lifestyle, and required valve longevity it was determined I would be a strong candidate for a Ross Procedure.
In my final consultation, I met a cardiac surgeon at a nationally recognized health system in Maryland. Although trained on the Ross Procedure, he humbly shared if it were him or his children in my position, he would entrust only Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy and the cardiac team at Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital. While in his office, he personally called Dr. El-Hamamsy and introduced me and my case - a remarkable and most selfless act!
I am forever grateful for world-renowned cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy, along with his team of surgeons - Dr. Lilyanne Chen, Dr. Charles Laurin, and Dr. Timothy Lee. It is difficult to find the words to describe my awe and appreciation for these incredible individuals and their expertise.
My entire experience at Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital was better than I could have ever expected or imagined. A special thank you to Leemor Selitto, Roberto Galao-Malo, and the entire ICU and 7 West step-down unit for their compassion, attentiveness, and specialized care.
I am 10 weeks into my recovery, and I feel fantastic - my sternum and small incision has healed nicely. Regarding you and your loved ones, I would look no further than Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy and the team at Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital."
-- Jason Johnson, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 06/12/2024
"To those deciding on cardiovascular surgery, particularly situations involving aortic valve disease, I recommend the extraordinarily skilled, highly credentialed, Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy.
His team at Mount Sinai, including both clinical and administrative staff, create a seamless patient experience. Doctor’s reviews as reported in this website commend many individual acts that mirror my personal impression. Here the patient is truly appreciated.
No concern is considered trivial - take it from this somewhat obsessive scaredy-cat who considered multiple options for replacing her stenotic valve. In the midst of exhaustive research and several consultations, I met with Dr. El-Hamamsy. I knew instinctively that my search had ended. I’m now contemplating a promising future with the benefit of a valve and root replacement recently performed by Doctor and assisted by Dr. Lilyanne Chen. Post-discharge monitoring by Roberto Galao Malo NP assures me that my welfare matters beyond the surgical suite.
If you want the best in compassionate, upbeat care - and the peace of mind it engenders - I suggest you consider Dr. El-Hamamsy. I submit this commentary with the deepest gratitude for his tireless dedication."
-- Pamela Bonan, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Root Replacement, 06/03/2024
"I am 55 years old and had a bicuspid aortic valve replaced with a Ross procedure by Dr El-Hamamsy. Dr. El-Hamamsy has assembled an incredible team of best-in-class providers that gave me a great experience.
Dr. El-Hamamsy is world renowned but his team is too. He has great surgeons, nurse practitioners, nurses and staff all working together. I was able to text Roberto (NP) after the surgery for guidance on the recovery. He is phenomenal. Thank you Roberto.
It’s been five months since the surgery and I’m back to almost 100%. I am an active Crossfit athlete and an active mountaineer and wanted to be able to perform after surgery as well as before.
I wouldn’t be back to this level of endurance without Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team. Thank you to all!"
-- James Shuttleworth, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 05/21/2024
"Dr. El-Hamamsy's highly sought-after practice is nationally and internationally recognized because his surgical prowess, superior patient-centered care, and exceptional multi-disciplinary team of highly skilled fellow-surgeons, physicians, nurses, and administrative staff who support patients in his care are second to none. I walked in for my Ross on Thursday morning and went home just three days later with minimal pain or soreness. Four weeks later, I'm walking briskly 3 or 4 miles a day (even on hills), have fully resumed my two full time job responsibilities, have had my medications reduced by 70%, and one of the team’s specialized nurses (Roberto Galao-Malo) still checks in on me twice a day for my vitals and to learn how I'm coming along. This is a top-notch team, one of the best surgeons in the world practicing in a setting and surrounded by people who treat patients not like another statistic but rather as family, yes family! Here’s an A-to-Z of my experience and why I highly recommend this practice.
The consult:
I was struck by Dr. El-Hamamsy's ease and comfort during my initial consultation. There was no reason for me to worry because he and his team (enter Dr. Lilyanne Chen and Dr. Charles Laurin) thoroughly and confidently walked me through the surgery, answered all of my questions, transparently outlined all risks and possibilities, and laid out what to expect while in the hospital. Dr. El-Hamamsy's manner is gentle yet direct, sincere, comforting, confident yet empathic. I never felt rushed or that my concerns or fears were being discounted. After having achieved the kind of volume in aortic interventions or procedures very few surgeons in the country share - which is why he is also the Director of Aortic Surgery for Mount Sinai Health, the President of the Heart Valve Society - a prestigious international group - a mentor to other cardiac surgeons building their practices, and a published professor - he is very seasoned. Mount Sinai leads the world in Ross procedures, Dr. El-Hamamsy himself having performed the vast majority of those. After my consult, I knew I didn't need another opinion, I had just spoken to the best, so I booked my surgery with him right away. I had full faith and credit in his ability to Ross me with perfection and to navigate any complications that may arise with his experienced exercise of sound and precise judgment while backed by the enormous resources Mount Sinai has to offer.
The surgery:
As he promised, my procedure was flawless, he called it 'textbook'. The incision Dr. Chen made is a short relatively inconspicuous straight line running along my sternum that just a month later is already fading. I was out of bed walking around the floor the very next day after surgery. My greatest discomfort wasn't chest pain nor soreness, but rather maneuvering all the connected wires and tubes in and out of the hospital bed.
Bedside manner, patient-centered care:
Dr. El-Hamamsy visited me the morning of the surgery right before they carted me into the operating room. He came by to reassure me one last time, and with his trademark radiant smile and firm handshake I was ready to be taken in. He was one of the first persons I remember seeing after walking up in ICU. He communicated with my husband and family before they were able to see me. He visited me twice more while I was recovering in the step-down unit. The one day he wasn't there and on the day of my discharge, his fellow surgeons and physicians - Dr. Chen and Dr. Laurin made the rounds. They were never transactional nor insincere. I feel like they've all become family to me in some weird way. Certainly, their exceptional care and attention aided my speedy recovery and for that we shall forever be connected. I got to see them all again including Dr. El-Hamamsy during my post-op three week check in when again I was assured of being on the road toward full recovery and long-term quality of life.
The team backing Dr. El-Hamamsy:
As I mentioned, Dr. Chen and Dr. Laurin are an extension of Dr. El-Hamamsy’s approach, ethic, and successful intervention. They were integral to my successful surgery and to my recovery.
The specialized nurses and nurse practitioners in the cardiac unit (ICU and step-down) at Mount Sinai are remarkable. All of them are highly skilled with exceptional bedside manner and patient care. Abel Andrada was instrumental in getting me up and about, educating me about my medications, and firmly encouraging me to moderate my exertion for the sake of my long-term recovery. He did this with professionalism and wit because a little levity during a stressful time when your mental health could easily suffer is necessary. He was patient with and welcoming of my boisterous big Greek family who took over the step-down floor! He was at all times concerned with my well-being and very protective of me.
Specialized nurse Roberto Galao-Malo who still checks in twice a day a month later, makes sure that Dr. El-Hamamsy's patients recover well long after their discharge. He will stay in touch twice a day to get vitals and to adjust post-op medications, as necessary. He is always a phone call or text away and accessible, even on the weekends. His mission is our flawless recovery, and he goes beyond the call the duty to keep us safe and well. He is truly exceptional and very knowledgeable.
But perhaps the unsung hero in Dr. El-Hamamsy's team is the glue that keeps it all together, the ambassador of the practice, the coordinator, the most patient facing person throughout the journey, our dispatcher, adviser, confidant, the unwavering, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and most reliable, Leemor Selitto. Leemor is truly incomparable in healthcare! From scheduling the procedure and all related appointments or testing, to navigating insurance coverage questions and other inquiries, to being that friendly and trusted ear on the phone or online, she (literally and figuratively) held my hand throughout and continues to be a reliable and comforting resource during my recovery. Just like everyone else in this practice, Leemor has become family.
There truly is no other option when considering a heart valve surgery practice. Dr. El-Hamamsy’s got the most experience, knowledge, and biggest heart."
-- Konstantinos (Dean) Dafis, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 04/11/2024
"You will never find a better surgeon for a Ross Procedure than Dr. El-Hamamsy. I am still shocked by how easily I got through my own Ross surgery. I entered the hospital Wednesday and walked out the following Sunday morning. I never had pain in my chest (only soreness), I never had arrhythmia nor lung issues, I was able to walk and climb stairs days after surgery, I was able to walk a mile within days of discharge (and multiple miles shortly after) and I now feel better than when I went in. I have experienced worse dental surgeries, I even ask myself whether I actually got a full Ross it was just too smooth.
Beyond unbelievable surgical skill Dr. El-Hamamsy also has a remarkable publication record and is a recognized authority on the Ross Procedure. In fact, he helps surgeons at other institutions set-up their own Ross programs. Finally, Dr. El-Hamamsy is a pleasure to talk to- he is very polished, listens carefully, remembers details from previous conversations, never appears rushed, takes time to chat with family members and projects a reassuring confidence.
A second surgeon, Dr Lilyanne Chen, played a crucial role in my Ross journey. She spent a great deal of time with me going over the details of the surgery, came to the preop room to calm any last minute nerves before surgery, was present during my surgery and visited me several times afterwards while I was still in hospital. She also helped me out with an additional health concern not related to my heart. She was amazing and I cannot thank her enough!
While surgeons are important, support staff is critical too. Everyone from Dr. El-Hamamsy’s office was excellent with two standouts for me being Leemor Selitto, the very efficient and exceptionally kind coordinator, and Roberto Galao-Malo, the highly skilled and super good-humored nurse practitioner. I was also impressed with Mt. Sinai Hospital, the nursing staff was incredible as was just about everyone else there. Throughout this entire process I felt listened to, looked after and safe.
I have nothing but enormous gratitude, admiration and respect for Dr. El-Hamamsy and the team of health care professionals who took care of me. I will never forget them. Thank you, everyone!"
-- John Olson, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Ross Procedure, Maze Procedure, 03/27/2024
"It probably goes without saying, but I was not looking forward to heart surgery. I was born with congenital aortic stenosis and had my first open heart surgery, an aortic valve repair, when I was 3 days old. I always knew I was facing another surgery in my future, but that didn’t make it any easier when the time finally came in my early 30’s.
What did make it easier was being introduced to Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy. One of the first things you discover when researching aortic valve/root/Ross surgeons is that all roads lead to Dr. El-Hamamsy, who coincidentally is the newly named President of the Heart Valve Society. Even before meeting him in person, I was helped immensely by watching his online videos in which he methodically explains the different options for valve repair and replacement and more importantly, the vast data he has collected for long-term survival and quality of life associated with each option.
For me this new-found knowledge helped begin to ease the anxiety with a new sense of empowerment.
Then I met Dr. El-Hamamsy in person. My mom came with me, and it felt a little like meeting a celebrity because we had watched so many videos, but he could not have been more down- to-earth and friendly, even humble in a cool kind of way. He took his time and answered all our questions and concerns. We came hoping to find out that I would be a candidate for the Ross procedure, and it turned out after carefully reviewing my tests sent from my cardiologist, he agreed that that was my best option.
As someone with extreme white coat syndrome, I consider bedside manner to be an essential quality in a doctor, and Dr El-Hamamsy is the gold standard. I lost all my sense of dread. He shook my hand and said “I’m going to take good care of you” and I knew he would.
And he did. The surgery was, in his words, a 100% success. He, along with the surgical team, came to my bedside every day I was in the hospital. To top that, 2 weeks later when I returned for my post op appointment (scheduled for 7am because he had to scrub in for surgery), we were told he had been up all night in emergency surgery and would not be available to see us. We understood and were happy to meet with his fantastically knowledgable NP, but at the end of the visit in walks Dr. El-Hamamsy in his scrubs, looking exhausted but there to say hello and answer any questions. When he says he puts his patients first, you can believe him.
And lastly, a word about the team Dr. El-Hamamsy has put together. As you research aortic valve surgery you learn that it is imperative to go to a center of excellence with a full team dedicated to the subject, and Dr. El-Hamamsy humbly always credits his team first and foremost. It is clear that each of them, like their captain, is at the top of their game, from the Program Manager Leemor who gets you started, to the OR team, the ICU nurses, and finally the NP Roberto who crucially follows your blood pressure after you return home.
For such a world-renowned in-demand surgeon, the whole experience surprisingly has felt more like being cared for by a small group of good friends who have the utmost concern for my care and comfort. I could not be more grateful.
And PS... The scar is cool. I wear it as a badge of honor."
-- Jack Berenholtz, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 02/27/2024
"I only feel gratitude for being lucky enough to find Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy. I had severe aortic insufficiency.
In Florida, I did not have the possibility of having the Ross procedure and I had to travel with my parents to New York. The doctor and his entire team were excellent and in 4 days I was back at the hotel. Six days later I was back home and my recovery has been phenomenal.
I will always be grateful for the opportunity to have my surgery at Mount Sinai with the doctor and his team. I will recommend him for the rest of my life."
-- Luis Herneta, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 02/08/2024
"My bicuspid aortic valve and aortic root aneurysm were diagnosed in 2016. Due to an increase in the diameter of the root in 2023 it became imperative to conduct the root replacement surgery. I was being monitored outside Mount Sinai before and it was pure coincidence that I got to know Dr. El-Hamamsy. After my first interaction with him, it was quite clear that not only he is an authority in the field of Aortic Surgery and Ross Procedure but also he is a compassionate and caring doctor who establishes a sense of true trust in his patients.
I was being monitored using Echocardiograms and MRIs over the years. After a CT scan was conducted based on his recommendation, it became clear that the root replacement surgery needed to be performed relatively quickly to avoid an aneurysm rupture due to material increase in root diameter. I can’t thank Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team including Leemor and nurse Roberto enough for their availability, explanation of the steps and overall making the process as smooth as possible.
Last but not least, the surgery itself was done with close to 0 complications, I was able to return to work from home in 3 weeks with minimal symptoms. Dr. El-Hamamsy’s strong research in the field of Aorta/Aortic Valve surgery, the large volume of surgery he conducts in this field on a daily basis, and last but not least his compassion and excellent bedside manner puts him among the best surgeons in the nation to consider for aortic root replacement/Ross procedure or any type of aortic valve replacement/repair.
I can recommend him without any hesitations."
-- Sam Vakil, Aortic Valve, Root Replacement, 02/07/2024
"I give my highest recommendation to Dr. El-Hamamsy. It's worth the effort to travel from another country to be treated by him. My bicuspid valve was experiencing severe regurgitation, causing ventricle enlargement. I didn't feel comfortable with the surgeon I was referred to, so I sought out Dr. El-Hamamsy primarily for his expertise with the Ross procedure.
I was asymptomatic, but Dr. El-Hamamsy reviewed my echos and MRI and in a zoom meeting explained to me that the enlargement had progressed to a degree that indicated surgery. Dr. El-Hamamsy further explained that he most likely be able to repair my valve, but if repair was not possible would do the Ross procedure. Second opinions concurred that surgery was indicated, so I chose to move forward.
My wife and I met Dr. El-Hamamsy in-person the day before the surgery, and I was struck by how cheerful and energetic he was - clearly a man who loves his work.
I was out of the ICU within 24 hours, and discharged after four days. During the surgery, it was discovered that my valve had become calcified to the point that repair was not feasible, so Dr. El-Hamamsy performed the Ross procedure. My aortic regurgitation is resolved, and my heart is adjusting. While I was in the hospital recovering from the operation, Dr. El-Hamamsy took the time to visit me several times before I was discharged and answered questions about my recovery.
He met with me and my parents again when we returned for a follow-up visit. All our interactions left me feeling more hopeful, better informed, and grateful for the excellent care and personal concern."
-- Lukas Halim, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 01/23/2024
"Dr. El-Hamamsy was extremely through in the details of the Ross Procedure. As well as the rest of his staff. Any questions that I had were promptly answered and explained. During recovery, in the hospital, they would visit me multiple times a day to check on me. Even to this day Roberto is in contact with me regarding my blood pressure to ensure my valve will heal correctly. There isn’t enough I can say about Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team! Thank you so much!!!"
-- Nicholas Fama, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 01/22/2024
"I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve, with only two leaves instead of three. After 70+ years, the valve began to leak. As a result, the regurgitation was clearly audible during my annual physical in 2018, and my primary care physician referred me to Dr Alon Gitig MD, director of cardiology for Mount Sinai Doctors Westchester, who monitored my aortic stenosis and aneurism for 4 years before referring me to Dr Ismail El-Hamamsy, MD, PhD, Director of Aortic Surgery at Mount Sinai whom he considers: “not simply a brilliant aortic valve specialist, but also one of the best known aortic valve surgeons in North America.”
From the initial meeting in September 2022, Dr. El-Hamamsy and his surgical team at Mount Sinai hospital in NYC reflected a profound sense of trust, respect, warmth, and compassion. Dr. El-Hamamsy assured me that he "would take great care of me." For the next 12 months, he monitored my aortic stenosis and aneurysm, and dedicated time to explore various aspects of the surgical procedure to ensure I felt at ease. He helped me surmount my insecurities and my hesitations, providing me with the knowledge to make the decision on my own.
The surgical team also provided a comprehensive overview of what to expect post-surgery, during the recovery period. So, I decided to schedule my surgery with the gracious Leemor, the surgical team’s executive assistant, for Tuesday 12/19/2023, when it would be the least impactful on my job, and would allow me to be home recovering during the Christmas holidays.
The warm-spirited anesthesiologist, Dr. Ingrid Hollinger MD, who guided me through pretesting and surgery, and Dr Joseph Sweeney MD who performed my coronary catheterization, also demonstrated genuine care, following through in a most compassionate manner.
The entire team’s involvement in the surgical procedure, as well as post-surgery recovery in the ICU and subsequent transfer of post-surgical care to Dr Marc Miller, cardiac electrophysiologist and his team, fellow Dr Nana Gegechkori MD PhD and Helen Alexandroff NP, were simply marvelous in observing and treating the arrhythmia in my heartbeat.
The continuous communication during my aftercare at home was unprecedented, particularly Roberto Galao Malo NP, who guided me through every step of the way before and after surgery, demonstrating such humanity that I had tears in my eyes when I went to thank him.
The arrhythmia persisted at home and so, during the short week between Christmas and New Year’s, Galao immediately arranged for me to come in and be seen by the surgical team, Dr Elbert Williams MD, Dr Charles Laurin and Dr Lillyanne Chen MD, and cardiologist Dr. Tara Naib MD. This emphasized the team’s dedication to my well-being as a patient. I never felt alone. I felt like part of the family with an honored position on the team.
One month after the surgery, the cardiologist, Dr. Naib, scheduled me to start monitored exercises at the Mount Sinai Cardiac Rehab Center, participating twice a week for a duration of 12 weeks. My staying physically active during post-surgical monitoring further highlights the positive impact of the surgery and my swift recovery.
Overall, I’d like to express my sincere thanks for the exceptional care received at Mount Sinai, emphasizing the individualized approach, effective communication, and successful surgical outcome. I never expected to have had such an outstanding experience from beginning to end."
-- Miguel Coelho, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Root Replacement, 12/19/2023
"The best experience. Dr. El-Hamamsy is not only a great surgeon, he is a great human being and always ready to receive me and talk to me and my wife. The surgery went flawless and I am having a great recovery without complications. Also, his team is wonderful and always available."
-- Alberto Cortinas , Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, 11/22/2023
"The idea of open heart surgery can be a daunting one, but from my very first experience with Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team, I instantly felt at ease and certain that his recommendation (no Ross due to my medical history but straight aortic valve replacement) on the best course of treatment would be the most optimal and successful.
The reviews here all speak about how calm, thoughtful and utterly professional he is and they are not an exaggeration. Likewise for the team he has built around him. A special mention for Leemor, his executive assistant and scheduler, and Roberto, his amazing nurse practitioner who was available literally at all hours to ease my worries and make adjustments as a few bumps in the post-op road happened. The clinic system they have in place for post-op patients truly is a delight (a word hardly used in today's patient experience). I always felt so well taken care of and confident in my recovery plan.
When choosing a surgeon for heart surgery, there is a moment, after all the research, all the googling, all the recommendations, that you have to trust the person sitting across from you and I can unequivocally say that trusting Dr. El-Hamamsy with my heart is and will always be the best decision I could have made."
-- Francisco Bernasconi, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, 11/07/2023
"After going to 2 other hospitals, I finally found myself at Mount Sinai with Dr Ismail El-Hamamsy. From the time we met, I felt at ease and relieved to find such a kind and knowledgeable doctor. He had an amazing bedside manner.
My condition is rare and he really is on top of all important research and guidelines. He is truly the best. My only wish is that I found him sooner. I was impressed with how many of these types of surgeries he performed and how he assured me I would be okay.
It was very scary for me as a mom with young children to need open-heart surgery at a young age but he really made me feel at ease. His whole office is amazing. My entire experience was flawless. And most importantly I am fully recovered and feel good as new !
I can’t thank him enough. His entire team is top notch. All the office staff, Lorraine and his Nurse Practitioner, Roberto. They all took care of me as if we were family. I can’t imagine if I didn’t come to Mount Sinai what could have happened and I’m forever grateful I found Dr. El-Hamamsy. I would highly recommend him to anyone with a connective tissue disorder and or other heart issues that require surgery."
-- Allison Jean-Bart, Aortic Valve, Root Replacement, 11/06/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy put my concerns at ease and I highly recommend working with him. Ahead of the surgery, he and his team provided a comprehensive overview of the procedure and answered all of my questions. While I was in the hospital, he checked on me a few times and his team was wonderful at the follow-up and checkups.
Although I was nervous about the procedure Dr. El-Hamamsy was very reassuring and kind which I really appreciated and I felt very comfortable with him. It felt like he and the team had all the tools and resources needed to make the procedure successful so I highly recommend!"
-- Julie Huang, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 11/02/2023
"This surgeon and his staff literally saved my life. I was given a terribly grim prognosis by a surgeon in Indiana (my home state), regarding the re-operation on my 26-year old ROSS PROCEDURE. But, after one call to his office, Dr. El-Hamamsy's assistant, Leemor, called me back within minutes of my inquiry and talked to me as if she were a concerned family member, not some stranger.
It was unreal and everything I needed at the time. She guided me every step of the way, and got a zoom call with Dr. El-Hamamsy right away. Dr. El-Hamamsy spoke to me also as a concerned, invested family member/friend, instead of one of the world's best heart surgeons.
He put my mind at rest, said he would fix my heart and get me back to my wife and 5 kids. And, as I type this, I'm on my last day in New York, post-op, and my heart is 100% fixed and I'm heading back with my wife to my kids TOMORROW!!!
-- Ryan Miller, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, 10/25/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy and his entire team and staff were simply amazing. They took the time to talk with me and answer all my questions. Never at all did I feel rushed, or did I feel like a statistic. The procedure went perfectly and they checked in on me every day. This is a rockstar team that is humble, professional, and so good at what they do."
-- Greg Alkalay, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 10/10/2023
"It took me a long time to write this recommendation, because it is not so easy to write about what was the most important medical intervention of my life. And I think it was, and still is, hard for me to put it into words. This speaks of the primal fear I had since I was 30 years old, when my cardiologist told me that my aortic insufficiency was no longer mild and in about 5 years I was going to have to have a valve replacement.
I am fast-forwarding to what is important here: 17 years passed, and I was 47 when my cardiologists lined up to tell me that the time had finally come to have surgery.
I did research and came to a recommended surgeon at NYU Langone. I went into his office thinking that I was going to choose a mechanical valve, and I came out believing that a biological valve was a better option (I don't think it is necessary to clarify the advantages and disadvantages of each, because I imagine that all readers of this blog already know them).
I set a date for my operation, and I dedicated myself to being prepared to suffer: fear trapped me. Beyond the fear of having my sternum opened, there was also something that did not sit right with me about the type of operation that I was heading for.
My deepest wish was to be able to continue leading an active life, in the things I do (heading a soccer ball without fear, for example) and in the things I like to fantasize I could do someday (trekking in the Himalayas, and then skiing down, for example): that life would not shrink because of the operation.
Luckily a dear friend, who happens to be a cardiologist, told me that for my age (I was 47 years old), my physical condition (quite good, despite the fact that at 30 my doctors recommended that I stop playing sports and doing high impact exercises) and my life circumstances (I have a young son, who was 4 at the time) she thought there was another option: the Ross procedure. And that at Mt Sinai there was a Ross specialist named Ismail El-Hamansy.
Although I had a date for surgery in 4 weeks at NYU Langone, I went with my wife early one morning to a consultation with Dr. El-Hamansy that had been arranged for us quickly and efficiently by Leemor Selitto, his assistant. We were received by Roberto Galao-Malo with his characteristic kindness, education and knowledge.
When Dr. El-Hamamsy came in, the connection was immediate: he understood my fears like no other surgeon, he understood the desire to seek the greatest life possible, and his offer to try a Ross procedure was not only attractive but easy and simple: the best possible choice.
I walked across Central Park after the consultation much calmer and with a surgery scheduled with Dr. El-Hamamsy at Mount Sinai for four weeks later.
In the weeks that followed, Leemor helped and guided us through the intricacies of insurance, always with patience and good humor. I don't think I have thanked her enough as she deserves. And Roberto Galao - Malo was attentive to all the consultations, fears, doubts, questions, in the vertigo of those days leading up to the surgery. Truly Leemor and Roberto made the arrival to the operating room at Mt Sinai as easy and calm as possible - taking into account my immense fear.
I had surgery on September 27: Dr Ismail El-Hamamsy working with Dr Elbert Williams and his entire team did a Ross procedure that replaced my aortic valve with my pulmonary valve, while they put in a replacement pulmonary valve.
I woke up that night as if I had been stepped on by a truck and backed up and stepped on again. But the next day I was walking around the intensive care unit. In the afternoon I was moved to a regular room outside of the ICU where I was visited by Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team (I remember Dr. Chen now, but there were of course more) to confirm that everything had gone as expected.
After 5 days I returned home and Roberto Galao-Malo continued to be a constant presence on my phone, monitoring my post-operative data. After 3 months the healing of the sternum allowed me to return to sporting activities and I no longer needed to send my data on a daily basis to Roberto, and I can say that when I stopped doing so I missed his constant presence and care.
I do not know if anyone will read this far in this text, but if someone does, I would like to repeat my thanks to Dr El-Hamamsy and his team: I do not have enough words to thank them for everything they did and how they did it. As I write this, I have a completely normal life.
I don't know if recommendations mean anything, if you have to give 5 stars, or A+, but if anyone reading this is at the crossroads of having surgery as I was, I can think of no better option than to look for Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy and his team."
-- Julian Troksberg, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 09/27/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy is a skillful surgeon with incredible knowledge, good bedside manner and most important of all a nice and warm doctor. I was lucky to be referred to see him. He listened tentatively to my story and presented different treatment options for my congenital aortic stenosis.
Having been in the medical field myself, I was really impressed by his throughout explanations and confidence. We did some research to learn more about the Ross procedure, and we came away knowing that he is one of the experts in performing the Ross procedure.
Throughout the entire process of consultation, he answered all questions promptly and gave us surgical data when needed. In addition, his assistant, Leemor, made the process of insurance verification and scheduling seamless.
Having come from California, she also helped us with information about different types of accommodations in New York City. The day of the operation came and went so quickly. The surgery was successful. I am 12 weeks after surgery and doing very well.
I am able to do more things than before the surgery with better energy level and focus. Roberto, Dr. El-Hamamsy's physician assistance, has helped me with post-op monitoring, and he is doing a wonderful job. My wife and I cannot ask for more as Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team at Mount Sinai Hospital have given me a new life opportunity and precious time to see our children grow up. Thank you all!"
-- Khanh Nguyen, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 09/19/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team were second to none from day 1. My initial consult, at their office, was with an entire team,Dr. El-Hamamsy, Dr. Williams and other doctors as part of their team. They took the time to go over my options, walk me through what to expect, answer all of my questions and really make me feel comfortable with next steps in having to have the Ross Procedure done.
On the morning of my surgery, Dr. El-Hamamsy granted my request to come see my briefly before hand, ensured me I was in good hands and I trusted him and his team to get this done successfully. The surgery was successful, and even in recovery, Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team made me feel like I was their only patient - continuous check ins at the IC Unit and again when on the regular floor.
I can't thank their team enough for how great of a job they did, and I would strongly recommend them to anyone who needs this surgery done."
-- Brian Earley, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 09/07/2023
"Following a diagnosis of rheumatic fever and nervously watching, waiting, and researching for years, it was time for our teenage son to have aortic valve replacement. We spoke to many experts and considered every option – ranging from repair, to mechanical valve, to Ozaki – and became convinced the Ross Procedure was his best option.
Dr. El-Hamamsy’s name came up repeatedly. We were so fortunate to have Leemor Selitto on the case. She got us in front of Dr. El-Hamamsy and stayed with us throughout the process, importantly getting surgery booked in a time frame that worked best for our son.
We left our first Zoom meeting with Dr. El-Hamamsy feeling that he understood all our concerns and that he was confident he could help us. Surgery was terrifying but went incredibly smoothly. In addition to his surgical fellow and the fantastic nursing team, Dr. El-Hamamsy visited us every single day, answering all our questions and allaying our concerns.
Our son left the hospital 4 days post surgery, celebrated his 18th birthday a few days after discharge and at 8 weeks post surgery is traveling with friends ahead of beginning university this autumn. Roberto Galao-Malo, RN has been in contact with us daily, monitoring our son’s blood pressure, calibrating his medication and patiently, diligently addressing our numerous questions and concerns.
In Dr. El-Hamamsy, we found a brilliant, dedicated, compassionate surgeon, determined to improve patient outcomes and share his findings with his peers. He was surrounded by an extraordinary team of nurses and caregivers at Mt. Sinai, most notably Leemor and Roberto.
We are so fortunate to have found Dr. El-Hamamsy. Most importantly, our son feels confident in his recovery and ready to resume life as normal."
-- Suzanne Lee, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 07/10/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy described exactly what he was going to do (Ross Procedure) and what to expect after surgery.
Everything went as planned and as I was told would happen. Up and walking the next day. Chest was painful but less than I expected. Out of hospital July 3rd. Day by day felt better and stronger.
Dr. El-Hamamsy is a great doctor and his team is outstanding. They came to see me every day while in the hospital. Recommend wholeheartedly if you need this operation."
-- Ronald Vesseliza , Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 06/29/2023
"World class surgeon with an amazing team. I got my Ross procedure done for my BAV aged 24 and feel privileged to have this level of medical care. The entire process from surgery recommendation through discharge was seamless.
Dr El-Hamamsy has excellent bedside manners and builds assurance in excellent outcomes. I was able to start walking 2 miles within 10 days of the operation. I am currently 9 weeks post op and excited for the new opportunities I have. I am frequently in touch with NP Roberto as well to monitor progress who takes the time to patiently explain milestones and lifted restrictions step by step.
Shoutout and a big thank you!"
-- Sanjeet Dutta, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 06/14/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team restored my health with a Ross procedure on June 5th 2023. I cannot overstate how much respect I have for Dr. El-Hamamsy, Dr. Williams, Dr.Laurin, Roberto, Leemor, the nursing staff, and the cardiologists at Mount Sinai Hospital. I would encourage anyone in need of heart surgery to schedule time with Dr. El-Hamamsy. This entire team has set the benchmark on how to handle heart surgery. They are without question the very best."
-- Joseph Altobell, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 06/05/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy is an exceptional surgeon. His expertise, professionalism, compassion and post-surgical support were exceptional. He is humble and approachable, was patient and spent time addressing all of my concerns. My heart is functioning beautifully with its new valves. I am eternally grateful to Dr. El-Hamamsy and his incredibly committed team."
-- Sharon Cohen, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 05/18/2023
"My 27 year-old nephew lost both his parents by the age of 20, and I had made a deathbed promise to my sister that I would watch out for her only son and never let anything happen to him.
My sister had mentioned to me only once, when my nephew was young, that he had aortic stenosis and "couldn't play football." She never spoke of it again. After losing almost our entire immediate family in a short span, I took my nephew to Mt. Sinai to see Dr. Samin Sharma who had come highly recommended by a friend who swears by him because he saved her life by inserting a stent in a difficult location after another hospital failed to do so following a heart attack.
Dr. Sharma ran preliminary tests and immediately referred us to Dr. El-Hamamsy across the hall. That is when I first learned that my nephew had been born with a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) and tests showed he had moderate to severe aortic stenosis. My nephew didn't have any symptoms so he and I wrongly assumed he was fine and did not need surgery. Worst of all, we came from a family that lived by the notion that you do not have surgery unless you have no choice.
It was with this mind-set that we made an appointment to see Dr. El-Hamamsy. We were skeptical, scared, and clueless. Then we met Leemor. We felt that Leemor took a personal interest in my nephew. Throughout the scheduling and follow-ups, Leemor was like the relative we were missing and filled our emotional gaps with her calm, assuring and caring manner. Then we met Dr. El-Hamamsy's team.
First, we spoke with Roberto, P.A., who, as it turns out, would be with us for the next seven months (and counting!) through every neurotic question I had for him, at all hours of the day and weekends, too. Then kind Dr. Williams met with us and said he would assist with the surgery. But we were overwhelmed when Dr. El-Hamamsy came into the room. Never in our wildest dreams could we imagine the number one Ross surgeon in the world would be so gracious. When the number one Ross surgeon calmly takes your hand, looks you in the eyes and says it is a pleasure to meet you, and truly means it, it's shocking. And I've been around more doctors in more hospitals than I care to remember. Dr. El-Hamamsy is truly the most refined, gracious, caring doctor that I've ever met.
The fact that he was the number one Ross surgeon was icing on the cake. He reassured us that my nephew needed the surgery although he had no symptoms, and that he would be fine. Dr. El-Hamamsy was one hundred percent correct. It turns out that after Dr. El-Hamamsy removed my nephew's bicuspid valve, the stenosis was worse than the imaging tests had revealed. My nephew was functioning with only a 10% opening in the valve. Dr. El-Hamamsy performed a flawless surgery exactly within the anticipated timeframe. And he was true to his word that he would visit my nephew every day in the hospital.
My favorite picture of all time is of my nephew with Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team the day after surgery with my nephew sitting up in a chair eating dinner! My nephew left the hospital according to the schedule we were initially given, and one day after being home, it was as if he'd never even had surgery. It's hard to believe, but he was in better shape than his 62 year-old aunt was! No pain. No narcotics. Walking, talking, eating, sleeping, like normal.
We are grateful beyond words for the world-class treatment my nephew received and his stellar outcome. We wish to thank Dr. El-Hamamsy and his entire expert team, including Dr. Laurin whose perfectly timed sense of humor was always appreciated. One parting thought - there are only a few heart surgeons in the country who can well-perform the Ross procedure and therefore may not even mention it to you as an option.
So, if you have a bicuspid valve, do your homework and if you can make the trip to Mt. Sinai to see Dr. El-Hamamsy, do it! Your heart will thank you!"
-- Nancy Marrone, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Ross Procedure, 05/09/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy is awesome. I did extensive research on surgeons prior to deciding. I visited with 4 top Ross surgeons. I am convinced that he is the best Ross surgeon available, especially for an athlete like me.
This mainly has to do with how he supports the pulmonary artery autograft and controls the BP aggressively after surgery. Everything went super smooth: the Zoom visit with Dr. El-Hamamsy, he explained the procedure in great depth, extra contact with his PA Roberto prior to my trip, my pre-op visit with Dr. El-Hamamsy in person AND the surgery. He said it went perfect and took less than 5 hours for Ross, pulmonary artery root autograft rebuild and aortic aneurysm repair. I got out of hospital 4 days later. And have walked 3 miles each day since. I could not be happier or more impressed.
His bedside manner is perfect. He inspires complete confidence. I am happy that he has the same co surgeon work with him every case (not the resident or fellow of the month). I met everyone who was going to work on me before the surgery. I didn't have to sign that I'm okay with fellows or residents or medical students doing large parts of the surgery like a medical center in my state.
I can unconditionally recommend him to anyone for cardio-thoracic surgery."
-- Thomas Reid, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Root Replacement, Ross Procedure, 05/02/2023
"My experience with Dr. El-Hamamsy has been extremely positive. He is an outstanding heart surgeon with a great personality and a fantastic team around him!
Living in Switzerland, I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) which had become completely stenotic. Over the last few years, my ascending aorta had also become considerably dilated (aneurysm).
Together with my wife, we did extensive research about the different surgical options, reading through medical/scientific literature, speaking to multiple cardiologists and surgeons. Being 47 years old, I considered myself too young for a biological heart valve and also did not like the option of a mechanical valve, which would require blood thinners for the remainder of my life. Even though the Swiss healthcare system is one of the best in the world, the Ross-procedure is not regularly performed on adults.
Throughout my research, the name of Dr. El-Hamamsy came up repeatedly. Via a Dutch Professor in Clinical Decision Making for Cardio-Thoracic Interventions, I had received Dr. El-Hamamsy’s contact details and he replied within less than 24 hours. Together with Leemor Selitto, his executive assistant, we set up a Zoom conference. Leemor was extremely helpful, responsive, sincere and very professional both before, during and after my surgery. Having reviewed my medical file in detail, Dr. El Hamamsy was very well prepared for our discussion. The conversation not only convinced us to choose the Ross procedure, but also to have my surgery done in New York at Mount Sinai, as opposed to Europe.
The Ross operation could not have gone any better, I was out of the ICU after one night and left the hospital after 5 nights. Different ultrasound examinations in the following months have demonstrated that the surgery was extremely well done and is a testament to the quality of Dr. El-Hamamsy, Dr. Williams and the surgical team.
We stayed in New York for another 3 weeks post-surgery, and were in contact with Roberto Galeo, the Nurse Practitioner, every day. Having had three episodes of atrial fibrillation in the days right after surgery, he helped adjust my anti-arrhythmic and blood pressure medication to the right level. Roberto was extremely responsive, competent and reassuring.
Now, 4 months after surgery, I am feeling extremely well, and have already done multiple longer hikes and 250 steps up the Duomo cathedral in Milano.
I must say that Dr. El-Hamamsy has assembled a wonderful team of physicians, nurses, and coordinators around him. I truly feel that I was in the best of hands under his care.
Despite the fact that he is a star-surgeon, he is very much down-to-earth, puts his patients first, very emphatic, knowledgeable and truly a wonderful person. I thank you and your entire team for everything you have done for me and hence my family. We are very happy to have met Dr. El-Hamamsy, Dr. Williams, Leemor and Roberto, and happy to have chosen Mount Sinai for the excellent care. I can unconditionally recommend Dr. El-Hamamsy to anyone for cardio-thoracic surgery."
-- Peter Basten, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 04/13/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team are simply the best. His academic training gives him a great understanding of his patients relative to the rest of the patient population, and what the statistics might say about potential operations.
I had surgery at the age of 24, and was very concerned about losing my ability to exercise. Additionally, my job is cognitively demanding, so I was worried there would be some impairment as a result.
A year out from surgery, both of those concerns have been dealt with. I can exercise like I am 20 again, and my focus and cognitive capabilities have improved tremendously. His beside assistance is impeccable, there wasn't a moment where I wasn't tended to, and felt dignified and respected the whole time."
-- Jack Lovell, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 04/12/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy is a leading aortic valve specialist. Everything about his procedure and his team was professional, warm and supportive. He did an amazing job and my experience and recovery was exceptional. I highly recommend him for a Ross procedure or any aortic surgery."
-- David Turner, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 03/28/2023
"For more than 9 years, I’ve been under observation for an ascending aortic aneurysm. As time went on, it appeared that my aortic valve regurgitation would be what would drive the surgery. Around September of 2022, it was decided that I needed the valve replaced along with the aneurysm repaired.
My cardiologist who is at Mount Sinai suggested I meet with Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy. We had a great initial meeting. He was very thorough and confident in his explanation of the procedure and outcome. He put me and my wife at ease. I felt if that being so experienced with the Ross, my procedure should be less complicated. As it turns out we decided to add the Maze procedure and clip the left atrium.
Dr. El-Hamamsy was waiting for me and my family before I pushed off to the waiting room. Again, relaxing me and my family with his words. After the surgery, I don’t remember much except I was having a lot of pain from the drainage tube. Dr. El-Hamamsy decided to remove that one tube and everything was great from that point on.
I’m 10 weeks post-surgery and feel great. I’ve been a cyclist almost my entire life so I’m hoping to be back on the bike week 12 but I’ve been walking between 3-6 miles every day and last week I walked 25 miles.
I live in Florida and have a long relationship with my cardiologist Dr. J Halperin and respect his opinion so as it turns out the referral to Dr. El-Hamamsy and choosing him for the surgery was the right choice for me.
I would highly recommend him for anyone needing this type of heart surgery."
-- Daniel Green, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Maze Procedure, 01/17/2023
"Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team were fantastic. With such an important procedure, I am so happy I went to Dr. El-Hamamsy. I had a bicuspid valve and an ascending aortic aneurysm.
Dr. El-Hamamsy understood my situation completely and tailored my procedure for long term success. In surgery a decision needed to be made whether to replace the valve (Ross procedure) or leave it for now. I am so glad I trusted Dr. El-Hamamsy with this decision. His understanding, combined with his expertise, made him the best choice for me.
Not only do I have no regrets, but I am so grateful to have trusted my heart and my life to Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team. And after the surgery, my care was superb. I cannot thank the team at Mt. Sinai enough for the care I received. Thank you!"
-- Paul Baier, Aortic Valve, Root Replacement, David Procedure, 12/08/2022
"I have always been very active, between surfing and biking and skateboarding and… I have spent the last several years mostly coaching my children in the variety of sports that they play. When I was diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve and aortic valve stenosis, I was hoping to find someone who could address the issues while allowing me to continue with my active lifestyle. I did my research, and I saw several experts, who suggested a mechanical heart valve procedure. They told me that my life would be very different, as I could no longer take part in the active lifestyle I had grown accustomed to. I needed another option. After more research, I found out about the Ross procedure; Dr. El-Hamamsy‘s name was one of the first that came up. I have never been luckier in my life!
My first call to Mount Sinai lead me to Leemor Selitto, who ended up being my coordinator. We scheduled an appointment in August for a consultation: she may have been the sweetest person I ever spoke with. In person, she was even better. It felt like I had known her for years, and she eased my mind about what I was going to get done. Meeting Dr. El-Hamamsy was next, and I was not disappointed. With him, what you see is what you get. And that is an individual who truly cares about his patients, putting his patients first at all times. He calmed my nerves, and made me feel good about the procedure, and the direction that I was going. I left his office, confident, excited, and motivated to get done what I needed to get done.
Before the surgery, Leemor took the time to make sure that I knew each and everything that I would need to before the big day. She even spoke with my wife regularly to keep her calm throughout the process. She was, and is, absolutely wonderful, incredible, stupendous, and a great heart surgery coordinator. There were issues with getting my records and getting things set up, and she took care of everything. Talk about an all-star!
On the day of the surgery, I met Roberto, the nurse practitioner. He was awesome and answered every question I had. He understood what a big day this was for me, and took his time to keep me calm while making sure I understood everything that was coming, both before the surgery and after. To this day, I message him regularly, asking questions, and he monitors my health.
My surgery was not without complications. Going in, I had met with Dr. El-Hamamsy again, and he assured me that if he needed to pivot during the surgery to do what was best for me, he would. His partner for the surgery was Dr. Williams, and they took excellent care of me. Because of the previously mentioned complications, I spent eight post-op days in the ICU rather than the two or three they said it would be. They came to see me every day, making sure that I was doing well. Dr. Williams was even with me when I was discharged. After all my difficulties, my long term prognosis stayed the same, a testament to the talent of Dr. El-Hamamsy and Dr. Williams!
I must say that Dr. El-Hamamsy has assembled a wonderful team of physicians, nurses, and coordinators. I truly feel that I was in the best of hands under his care, and would recommend him to anyone needing to go through the same procedures that I did. He is a wonderful doctor, with a great bedside manner. Even more, when you speak with Dr. El-Hamamsy, you can see that he is truly a wonderful person. I thank you and your entire team for everything you have done for my family and me. It is now almost 2 months since my surgery, and I am already feeling better. We are truly blessed to have met Dr. El-Hamamsy, Leemor, Dr. Williams, and Roberto, and we are lucky to have gone to Mount Sinai for the excellent care I received in the ICU."
-- Owen Bonner, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, Maze Procedure, 11/10/2022
"Dr. El-Hamamsy and his whole team are incredible. I can’t thank them enough. They are truly special people. Amanda is great to work with at the front desk, Dr. El-Hamamsy is a god send, and Roberto is the best at answering any post-operation questions. From start to finish you will know you are in the right place. If I had to do it all again, I would choose these incredible people in a heartbeat."
-- Neil Damato, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 10/31/2022
"I was born with congenital aortic stenosis and a unicuspid aortic valve. At 18 months old, I had a ballooning done to help ease the stenosis. I had been able to self-monitor my condition until recently where I became more and more symptomatic. My local doctors gave presented my options, and strongly recommended I have a consultation with Dr. El-Hamamsy at Mount Sinai in New York City for a Ross Procedure evaluation. Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team made the coordination a breeze, and scheduled the surgery.
Throughout the process, I appreciated how honest and responsive the entire team was. Due to needing to travel, I didn't have my full support system with me, but his staff was able to support me each step of the way.
Open-heart surgery isn't easy to experience, but Dr. El-Hamamsy and the staff at Mount Sinai made everything manageable. I had a Ross Procedure and have no regrets - only not doing it sooner.
The surgery went well, and the recovery is in progress. Dr. El-Hamamsy's team is able to effectively manage my concerns and questions along the way, and set reasonable expectations.
I'm extremely thankful for Dr. El-Hamamsy encouraging me to take this step and for his staff, nurses, and nurse practitioners who chat with me as needed to make sure I'm comfortable and healing well.
This isn't my first surgery, and what I can say sets this apart from others is that I feel entirely supported. There is someone on staff to help address fears, concerns, discomfort daily. I appreciate not being discharged and left to coordinate my own care.
I cannot speak highly enough of Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team."
-- Jacquelyn Culver, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Ross Procedure, 10/13/2022
"From the first time I met Dr. El-Hamamsy and Roberto, it was so peaceful and comfortable. They were so kind, loving and down to earth. They accommodated EVERY one of my heath needs.
They were positive and supportive to myself and my daughter who came with me, we were treated as family.
The day of my surgery Dr. El-Hamamsy said this to the two gentleman who were going to help: ”We love JoDee and we will take good care of her.” It made me fell so at peace and loved. I knew I was in the BEST HANDS EVER!!!
After my surgery the three doctors checked on me several times, I was so impressed. I know how very busy there were. Even now Roberto makes sure I am doing good and if I have any questions he is always ready to help with an answer.
For me there is no BETTER surgeon in the world and staff. So thank you to all who took such wonderful care of me."
-- JoDee Bruno, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, Bloodless Surgery, 09/28/2022
"Words cannot describe how much the care of Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team were for my family and I from the beginning to the end process of the procedure. They cared for me in such a meaningful way and they kept up with me even through my healing process, making sure my blood pressure and medications were up to the levels necessary every week. There is no better surgeon and team better than Mount Sinai."
-- Netanel Alon, Aortic Valve, Tricuspid Valve, Valve Repair, 08/22/2022
"I was recommended to Dr. El-Hamamsy by Dr. A. Freilich another doctor within the Mount Saini Health Care System, who spoke so highly of Dr. El-Hamamsy.
I was a person that put off surgery for many years due to the lack of change of my aortic size and lack of confidence in surgeons. Once I met Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team, he was so knowledgeable and so considerate of my needs and cautious situation, I immediately knew that he was the surgeon that I could trust with my heart surgery.
Dr. El-Hamamsy and his staff especially Roberto Galao Malo DNP made themselves available for every one of my questions before and after surgery in a timely fashion. I was released from the Hospital just 5 days after surgery and recovered as expected, exactly the way that the staff explained prior to surgery. At this point I am 1 year post operation and I am better than new, back to golfing and going to the gym on a regular basis.
In addition to the surgical staff, the nursing staff were so caring from the ICU to the nurses that took care of me all the way to discharge.
In the event that you are in need of Heart Surgery you can feel confident that Dr. El-Hamamsy and Mount Saini Health care will be the right choice. "
-- James Muldoon, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Root Replacement, 08/22/2022
"Dear Dr. El-Hamamsy, I owe you my life for giving the only surgery I knew would give me the quality of life I sought – not one where I didn't want to wake up the next day. I saw surgeons at 10 of the top centers across the country, hearing the same opinion – your case is too complex for a Ross and it’s not a surgical option for you. After feeling lost on my surgical journey, I felt found by you and the team at The Mount Sinai Hospital.
You are unique within the surgical field that I'm glad and humbled to have crossed paths with you. Now, I'm able to say my life, and quality of life, are restored to full capacity – with no limitations. I'm able to continue school, and pursue my dream of becoming a cardiologist.
Thanks for your help and belief in me, and uplifting me when my spirits were at their lowest and I had lost all hope! You’re not just performing a surgery, you’re repairing lives. I will forever be thankful and grateful to have been operated on by you!
Jose Juan “JJ” Maqueda"
-- Jose Maqueda, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 07/05/2022
"It's not every day that you get to thank someone for literally saving and changing your life, but this is the case for Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team. From the moment we first met with him, Dr. El-Hamamsy was compassionate, kind, confident, and knowledgeable. He took time to explain the Ross Procedure, and was patient with all of the questions I had.
He took time to lay out all of my options and helped my husband and I feel confident in our choice. The surgery was a great success and as I write this 4 months later, I can confidently say that choosing Dr. El-Hamamsy and the Ross procedure was one of the best decisions of my life."
-- Margaret Klein, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 06/28/2022
"Dr. El-Hamamsy is not only an amazingly skilled surgeon, but a wonderful human. I’ve never been cared for by a doctor that I would also love to hang out with in a (fixed aortic) heartbeat. I owe him an improved life, and I will never forget his generosity, kindness, humor, and professionalism. He is, quite simply, The GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). Ross Procedure King. Extraordinary Man. Any patient would be lucky to have him."
-- Theo Stockman, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 06/27/2022
"We couldn’t have asked for a more caring surgeon and staff. We are from Utah and our 16-year-old son required the Ross Procedure. After several Zoom meetings with the doctor and many emails with his staff, we flew to New York. They were all so attentive to our son's needs and our concerns. It made what could have been a very traumatic experience into something much more pleasant.
We are forever grateful for Dr. El-Hamamsy. He was so caring and attentive to our son before, during and after his surgery!"
-- Ben Feinauer, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 06/15/2022
"My father was a general surgeon in the early 50s in New York. I sincerely felt that the care that Dr. El-Hamamsy provided me was the one my father would have provided me. I went with full confidence to the surgery. Everything was perfect and Dr. El-Hamamsy transmitted me, my wife and daughters and son complete assurance and peace that everything would go as planned and that four days after the surgery I would return to home. The surgery was performed on Wednesday, June 1st and on Sunday, June 5th I was back in home.
On Monday, I was walking in NYC. I would strongly recommend Dr. El-Hamamsy to all patients and families that require a procedure to correct or repair aortic aneurism or dilation. He is not only a master of the procedure; he is also a PhD in caring."
-- Andres Dauhajre, Aortic Valve, Root Replacement, 06/01/2022
"Great bedside manner. Great surgical results. Removed both aneurysms. "
-- Gina McGowan, Aortic Valve, Valve Replacement, 05/03/2022
"Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy is an angel sent from God to live amongst us humans. He is the most caring and selfless doctor I have come across. God forbid, if you are looking a Cardiothoracic surgeon, then stop looking and go with Dr. El-Hamamsy blindly. Not only is he a top doctor but a fantastic human being.
I unfortunately had to undergo valve sparing aortic root repair, but one year from surgery I can confidently say that I am back to living a normal life. I live in Hong Kong and was shocked to find out I had an aortic root aneurysm. After some initial research in Hong Kong we deduced that USA is the best place to go for the surgery I needed. I shopped around in New York and met 3 of the top Cardiothoracic surgeons but no one gave me as much comfort as Dr. El-Hamamsy.
From day one, he has been so approachable and easy to speak to. I thought of him more as a brother or a friend rather than a doctor. Not only did he answer my never ending list of questions, but he also gave time to answer the many questions of my family. In most situations, the doctor does his job and then you part ways, however, in this case one year from surgery I can yet comfortably be in touch with Dr El-Hamamsy from Hong Kong for any questions I may have. The best part of Dr. El-Hamamsy is that he stays in touch with you months after your surgery to make sure that you have had a perfect recovery.
Coming from Hong Kong, I was uninsured in USA. Dr El-Hamamsy and his team helped me make the surgery financially viable. He was never looking to make money but was more concerned about my successful surgery and recovery.
Apart from Dr. El-Hamamsy, I must say his team has been equally excellent. From getting the visa papers sorted for myself and my family to the after care provided by his nurse practitioner and his assistant doctors my journey has been extremely smooth. He has been there for me through out the surgery, recovery and even one year later (answering my incessant questions from Hong Kong). God forbid, if I had to do this all over again, with no doubt in my mind I would pick Dr. El-Hamamsy again and again. He has saved my life! "
-- Sarvil Bhansali, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Root Replacement, 04/12/2022
"I have nothing but great things to say about Dr. El-Hamamsy. From the very first meeting, I knew that I had made the correct choice in going with his team at Mount Sinai. He was caring, thorough, and above all confident in a positive outcome for me and my family. I feel very lucky to have been his patient."
-- David Matthews, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Root Replacement, 04/11/2022
"I did not have the opportunity to research and select my aortic surgeon, BUT I AM SO GLAD DR. EL-HAMAMSY WAS THERE FOR ME! On the evening of Wednesday, March 9, 2022, I collapsed in my living room in severe pain before I passed out. My wife called 911 and I was brought to our regional Long Island New York hospital where they diagnosed an Aortic Dissection.
The ER doctor wrote "Patient was critically ill with a high probability of imminent or life threatening deterioration." The ER doctor offered to make me "comfortable" but indicated there was nothing they could do and I probably wouldn't survive a trip to a larger, "acute care facility".
I was unresponsive all this time. The ER doctor reached out to Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City and after some negotiation (will he survive the trip or not), I was transferred to Mount Sinai. I am told I regained consciousness just before surgery but I don't remember a thing. I do know that surgery started about 2am in the morning and lasted 8 hours.
My first memory of Dr. El-Hamamsy was in the ICU when he came in to let me know how well everything went. Subsequently, i have had several follow-up visits with Dr. El-Hamamsy and he has answered all my questions and has been very generous with his time. I believe I was in the hands of the best cardio-aortic surgeon in the country! I could not have asked for a better experience and outcome going through such a scary and frightening event. DOCTOR EL-HAMAMSY IS PURE MAGIC!"
-- Michael Bosniak, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Median Sternotomy, Root Replacement, 03/10/2022
"I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve. At age 43, I needed to have surgery to replace the valve. My cardiologist in Los Angeles helped me evaluate my 4 options for surgery. After much research, I decided to have the ROSS procedure. Due to the complexity of the procedure, my next step was to find the best surgeon regardless of geographical location.
As I expanded my search, I discovered Adam Pick’s Heart Valve Surgery Blog for Patients. The blog was incredible. It had every resource a heart valve patient would ever need, including recorded interviews with world renowned heart surgeons. Thanks to Adam Pick’s blog, I discovered Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Not only is he a MD but also has a PhD with an emphasis on the aortic. He is arguably the smartest mind regarding the aortic. He has performed over 600 ROSS procedures.
When my wife and I first met Dr. El-Hamamsy, he immediately put us at peace and we knew we had the right surgeon. The surgery was successfully performed on 2/9/2022. I am now back to full health & exercising regularly. Even though I had to jump-through hoops with my insurance company to have the surgery out-of-state and also deal with the logistics of traveling across the country, it was well worth it.
I am so grateful and indebted to Dr El-Hamamsy & Adam Pick. Because of my gratitude for all those that generously helped me, I would be happy to answer any questions about my experience and how I was able to obtain out-of-state authorization from my health insurance company."
-- David Budge, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 02/09/2022
"What a tremendous, literally life-altering, experience I had with Dr. El-Hamamsy.
I was diagnosed as having a bicuspid aortic valve in 2016 – after years of monitoring, we realized my heart function was decompensating to the point of needing repair (rather urgently) in late 2021 (when I was 43 years old).
It wasn’t clear to me that I was a candidate for a Ross Procedure until relatively late in my diagnostic journey – and my wife and I only met Dr. El-Hamamsy AFTER I had a surgical date with another center.
We learned of Dr. El-Hamamsy thru intensive referencing with doctors and experts at numerous cardiac centers around the country. Fortunately, he was willing to make some time in his calendar for a consultation and to review my case (when other surgeons typically take months to set a first meeting). Dr. El-Hamamsy’s patient explanations, unparalleled experience (600 procedures and counting) and easy confidence (without ego) gave us clear conviction that his were the right pair of hands to perform this surgery.
His wonderful assistant Leemor made the scheduling, insurance clearance and orchestrating the surgery itself very manageable – something I was concerned about since I was coming from out-of-state (Pennsylvania) – and because NYC was in the middle of the Omicron wave, causing hospitals across the region to cancel procedures.
The surgery itself went very smoothly. I woke up from the surgery, was in the hospital for 6 days (could have gotten out in 5) and had a straightforward and largely pain-free recovery – Dr. El-H and his senior medical team checked in on me every day while I was recovering in the hospital (including weekends, incredibly) and he also was sure to check in informally post discharge – both personally and thru his always-available RN, Roberto. Once home, I experienced very little discomfort and was back to a pretty high level of activity and exercise within 3-4 months. It is amazing that, given the out of state care, and the need to coordinate between a cardiologist and surgeon under different systems, I always felt like my care was a very high priority for the Mt. Sinai team. Today, 7 months post-op, I’m traveling for pleasure and work, exercising and playing with my kids largely as if nothing happened – what an incredible gift!
He is a wonderful and talented man and I cant imagine having had a better experience. I’m massively appreciative that I found Dr. El-H and I can’t recommend him and his team highly enough!"
-- Ben W, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Root Replacement, Ross Procedure, 02/02/2022
"If you read one sentence of this review, it should be this: it’s a total no-brainer that Dr. El-Hamamsy is hands down the only cardiac surgeon you should be considering.
Let me put it this way: I met with 14 of the top cardiac surgeons in the country, and not only was Dr. El-Hamamsy clearly, objectively the top choice, BUT was ALSO proactively recommended by some of the other experts who are also well-regarded in the field. This never happens - typically any given surgeon thinks they are the best surgeon. With Dr. El-Hamamsy, it's clear that cardiac surgery field agrees that there just is no true match, and consistently regards him as the ABSOLUTE leading authority on the Ross. More info below:
I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve and got yearly checkups since my childhood to monitor it. In late 2021, my cardiologist finally told me I needed to get surgery to replace the bad valve. It was the most difficult time of my life, and deciding which type of procedure to choose was at the core of the difficulty. I had the option of choosing between a bio-prosthetic valve replacement, a mechanical valve replacement, or the Ross procedure.
I met with 14 of the top cardiac surgeons in the country to discuss my case and to get their formal recommendation on the procedure they recommend I choose: surgeons from Harvard MGH, UPenn, UCLA, USC, Stanford, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and Mount Sinai. I met with some of the most excellent, world-renown cardiac surgeons - many of them Ross-focused surgeons - and was privileged enough to have access to family members in the medical field who could help me research the pros and cons of each choice. Halfway through my process, I lost track of how many experts I spoke with were not only recommending that I get the Ross with Dr. El-Hamamsy, but recommending that I cut my research short and simply schedule the surgery with him. The moment I met Dr. El-Hamamsy (over Zoom, no less), it was instantly clear why even some other Ross experts at other world-class hospitals were telling me, “Just go to El-Hamamsy.”
When I learned more about Dr. El-Hamamsy, it was abundantly clear how and why his reputation is well-earned. He is without a doubt the leading authority on the Ross: he has done hundreds of successful Rosses with excellent short-term and long-term outcomes, and is constantly involved in leading research surrounding the Ross and Ross techniques. He commands authority on the subject, both in research and in practice. This is incredibly rare, and this is the type of surgeon we all want to be looking for: the leader of the field who’s not only constantly pioneering improvements, but is also teaching his learnings to others, and is simultaneously constantly in the OR.
Dr. El-Hamamsy is all the above, but is somehow also the most wonderful human. He’s truly an angel, and I’m so grateful for him saving my life, and enabling me to now, just 3 months out, be living a completely normal, fearless, life. I’m incredibly grateful to have crossed paths with him, and I will just say to anyone reading this who might be in the same position I was in: if you qualify for the Ross, just go get it done with Dr. El-Hamamsy.
I’d also like to add that, much like Dr. El-Hamamsy, his team around him is equally supportive, empathetic, helpful, and all-around wonderful. I was so grateful to have had the guidance of Leemor, his assistant (her work was critical as I was coming from out of state for the surgery) as well as Roberto, his Nurse Practitioner who constantly checked on me post-op. I can’t say enough positive things about them and Mount Sinai in general.
If I were put in this position again, I would choose Dr. El-Hamamsy over and over again. It’s a no-brainer, and I hope this review helps in cutting your search short. "
-- Angela H, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 01/10/2022
"Dr. El Hamamsy is truly one of a kind. I’ve been dealing with moderate to severe aortic valve leakage for about ten years because of Rheumatic Fever, and when it was finally time to address the root of the problem now that I am an adult, Dr. El Hamamsy provided me with an option that left me with both a long life expectancy, and an unmatched quality of life.
He checked in every day post-op, and I felt extremely cared for. For me, I know there is no better surgeon in the world, and no better surgery alternative than the Ross Procedure. "
-- Ricky Sasson, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 12/27/2021
"My experience with Dr. El-Hamamsy was nothing short of excellent. At the time of my surgery, I was 20 years old. I was nervous and frankly unprepared to be undergoing such a major surgery at such a relatively young age. Dr. El-Hamamsy did an amazing job at explaining the procedure to my parents and I, having a great bedside manner, and executing the actual procedure. Further, while I was in the hospital following the procedure, Dr. El-Hamamsy always stopped by my room at least twice a day to check in personally and answer any questions I had. This was on top of other members of his staff also stopping in to check on me. My dad often joked about how he was amazed that someone could perform multiple major surgeries each day, visit all of his current patients, and still have the most upbeat attitude and personality possible - in short, He never skipped a beat and was always available.
Now, about a year after the surgery, all is well. The procedure could not have gone any better. My Cardiologist continues to be extremely impressed by the results and, at the moment, I am not exhibiting any symptoms of AS/AI which I of course had been before.
Lastly, Dr. El-Hamamsy's whole team deserves praise and recognition. Leemore & Roberto are exceptional and made a stressful and scary procedure so much better. I would not hesitate to give my highest recommendation for placing your trust in Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team."
-- Matthew Parker, Aortic Valve, Valve Repair, Valve Replacement, Ross Procedure, 12/14/2021
"Dr. El-Hamamsy is a master surgeon - an expert even among heart surgery experts. He is also kind, responsive and precise in outlining all options for a particular patient. In my case, he performed a Ross procedure after I was diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis in September 2021, when I was 55 years old. I had been surprised by my diagnosis because I was asymptomatic, and I had not known I was born with a bicuspid valve or the implications of that. But I am a health researcher by profession, so I quickly learned that I basically had three options for replacing my aortic valve: mechanical, cow/pig, or my own pulmonary valve via the Ross procedure. My review of the research literature indicated that the Ross procedure – if carried out by a surgeon with expertise in it - was most likely to give me normal quality and length of life, while also minimizing the possibility of eventual need of replacement. I should note that the local cardiologist who I was assigned after my diagnosis only gave me the first two options. When I brought up the Ross procedure, he told me it was not an option for adults in our state and most surgeons could not do it safely. I explained my insurance should cover it with a Ross procedure expert in another state, and ultimately he supported this decision.
I selected Dr. El-Hamamsy based on his work history and publications, as he is clearly one of the most experienced and capable Ross procedure surgeons in the world. I reached out to his assistant, who efficiently answered my logistical questions, double checked my insurance coverage, and (due to the COVID pandemic) arranged for me to have a video meeting with Dr. El-Hamamsy. In the virtual meeting, El-Hamamsy answered all of my questions about the surgery and gave me additional insights into my case based on my local tests and examination results. For example, because I am a 5-foot-3-inch woman, Dr. El-Hamamsy explained that the circumference of my aortic valve is small. This does not make a difference for a Ross procedure, but it could have reduced my options if I had chosen either a small mechanical valve placed by open-heart surgery, or a cow or pig valve placed by Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), if they had ever needed to be replaced.
The day before my surgery in November 2021, I met Dr. El-Hamamsy and his surgical team in person and did a few more tests. The surgery itself went smoothly, and Dr. El-Hamamsy kept my husband fully informed at key stages. Afterward, I spent a night in the ICU and then a few nights in a lower-level ward before moving to a hotel nearby. Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team visited me regularly in the hospital and I saw him for a final appointment six days after surgery, when he cleared me to return home. Dr. El-Hamamsy’s team includes Roberto Galao-malo, RN, who was my main remote contact for medical questions before and after I went to New York. Roberto gave me his email address and phone number and always responded promptly and helpfully to my questions.
By the end of my first week post-surgery, I was astonished by how normal I felt. My main risk was forgetting I had had major surgery: I had to remind myself to follow a careful and slow recovery plan. I rested well and gradually built up my exercise and activities day by day. At two months post-surgery, I began working full-time again and joined the virtual cardiac rehabilitation services offered to me locally through my insurance. Next week I will be six months post-surgery and my life seems no different than it was pre-surgery. For months I have worked out and had hour-long bike rides regularly, taken long walks daily, and gardened and carried out household chores as usual. I am deeply grateful to Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team for enabling me to have this normal, healthy life!"
-- Mary P., Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Valve Replacement, Median Sternotomy, Ross Procedure, 11/16/2021
"God blesses people with unique and special gifts. Dr. El-Hamamsy is not only one of the most gifted surgeons on earth, but his compassion and love for people shines just as bright, making him an absolute diamond in the rough.
As a 40 year old husband and father of 6 amazing children and with the incredible honor and privilege to be serving our great nation in the United States Air Force, open heart surgery was the last thing on my mind. The subsequent diagnosis of a unicuspid aortic valve that I’d had since birth had not even shown itself in any side effects, but was detected by a military doctor on a routine annual physical. After much debate and research, my family and I soon came to the conclusion that a mechanical or pig valve was not the right option for me, and the Ross procedure was in fact optimal.
I’ll never forgot watching the video my wife found online of Dr. El-Hamamsy with his charismatic and comforting demeanor as he talked about what is clearly his passion in life… healing those in need. Despite watching the video 10 times, it was immediately clear that he was the one I would put my trust in for this critical and life-changing operation.
The team at Mount Sinai was, and is incredible. Leemor has a heart of gold. From day one she treated me like family… I instantly fell in love with her New York accent and attention to detail so that every step of the way went as smooth as humanly possible. I did not meet Roberto and his soft yet confident demeanor until the day before surgery. Words can’t express his commitment to patients and going above and beyond, to a level I can’t even describe, is in his DNA. I am forever grateful to the two of them and I know they treat every patient with as much love and care.
The peace I had leading up to the procedure, based on the multiple discussions with Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team, was only confirmed as we sat there going over the final game plan before I walked into the operating room. Had I not gone to Dr. El-H it is most likely I would have woke up with a pig or bovine valve. It is the exact reason I was so confident in him being the one. His exceptional skill and expertise allowed me to wake up after surgery, with a successful Ross, despite some unexpected discoveries during the operation.
I owe so much to Dr. El-H and his amazing team. I fought for almost a year to get approved to have him as my surgeon and flew across the country with my wife, leaving our 6 kids behind, but knowing that we would return home, healthy and beginning a new chapter in our family’s journey. Having a son who has undergone four open heart surgeries we have experienced many cardiac programs and interacted with countless cardiac teams. This one I can honestly say, is the best."
-- John Dalrymple, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 08/12/2021
"Where can I start? How do you thank the person who has made such a difference in your life? I had the lucky chance to have Dr. Stelzer and Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy fix my congenital unicuspid aortic valve at Mount Sinai Hospital, literally the two best Ross surgeons in the world. If you look up what Dr. El-Hamamsy has accomplished in the field of aortic disease, it truly is incredible how dedicated and motivated he is to making a true impact on the diseases he treats.
While I was in the hospital, he was caring, compassionate, patient, and had a well informed answer for any question related to the Ross procedure or aorta. He came to visit me everyday in the hospital and put my wife and me both at ease (no easy task, more-so to put me at ease than my wife :) ) with his cool, caring, and calm demeanor. I am so happy and fortunate that he decided to bring his incredible skill set to New York just a few months before I needed my surgery.
As a life-long NYer, I know he is going to positively touch so many people's lives here through his work and we are lucky to have him. I am now three months out from my surgery, continuing to focus on my rehab by riding a bike and jogging everyday, and I owe this second chance to him, Dr. Stelzer and their team! I am grateful for this second lease on life and could not thank him enough!"
-- Jason Filopei, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 08/19/2020
"I had a bicuspid aortic valve with severe aortic regurgitation. After developing symptoms, it was time to replace the aortic valve. I spoke to several surgeons, but the recommendations I was getting seem to be based on what each doctor was feeling comfortable doing, not what was best for me.
Dr. El-Hamamsy was literally the only exception. He is honestly the nicest doctor and one of the kindest people I have ever met. He is patient and empathetic, and most importantly, really talented and experienced at performing the Ross procedure---which is a particularly involved procedure.
As a research professor, I felt very comfortable in the hands of a surgeon whose own research offers compelling evidence that the Ross procedure for AVR provides better long-term results and improved quality of life. I did the surgery in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic in NY city, and everything went great. Dr. El-Hamamsy and his team have so much experience at what they do, which made me feel particularly comfortable during my entire stay at Mt. Sinai. "
-- Ioannis Spyridopoulos, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 06/26/2020
"Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy is an angel walking among us. After speaking with him on the phone, I traveled from Vancouver to the Montreal Heart Institute to have my Ross Procedure on February 28, 2019. With his pre-surgery encouragement, I was able to train and run 2 half marathons at 90 and 115 days post-open-heart surgery in June 2019. It was a surprise that I recovered so quickly! Now I outrun my husband both in speed and distance! Still training for longer distances and forever grateful to my surgeon. "
-- Elizabeth Boylan, Aortic Valve, Ross Procedure, 02/28/2019
"He is probably the most human surgeon out there. When I first found out I needed surgery, I was devastated. I knew my whole like that I would, at some point, need surgery. But, without truly understanding what it entailed.
I was introduced to Dr. El-Hamamsy as he is a Ross procedure specialist and he just completed his 400th Ross Procedure. He reassured me that I would get to participate in whatever race I’d want to in the future -- once i was healed.
He also understood that I was slightly anxious and shared that he’d try to accelerate the date of my operation (I was being scheduled for January and it was early October). Twice I needed to present myself at the hospital. Both times he came to find me as he was told that I was "in the house".
On my 2nd visit . . . He confirmed to me that he would get me scheduled by the end of November. On November 17th, one week later, I got the call. The operation was completed on November 20th successfully. He came out with a huge smile to greet my family and reassured them that I was doing well. For the 5 days I was at the hospital, he came every evening to check up on me. The nurses told me that I was very fortunate as very few surgeons did that.
His whole program is amazing with continued follow-ups. I’d recommend him."
-- Sophie Scoufaras, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary Valve, Ross Procedure, 11/20/2017
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